track photo download

How to Track Photo Downloads

Unsplash’s web interface lets you track photo downloads by date. You can see the number of downloads for each individual photo, and the total count of all your photos. You can refresh the statistics once every ten minutes. To find out how many of your photos have been downloaded, go to the Unsplash Dashboard and click the “Downloads” tab. Once you’ve made an account, you can also view your statistics.

Credentials for accessing the unsplash api as a registered app

You must register for an account to access the Unsplash API. You should provide accurate registration information and maintain it regularly. You may access your account only with your Unsplash credentials. All activities involving your Credentials are solely responsible for Unsplash. If you do not agree with any term, do not use the API. Unsplash will not be responsible for any damages that occur as a result of improper use of its services.

Once you register, you can access the Unsplash API and start using it to build your app. The Unsplash API gives you access to resources related to a Photo or Topic, including TotalStats, MonthStats, User, and more. Once you’ve obtained your credentials, you’ll be able to use the API to add, edit, and remove Unsplash images.

To access the Unsplash API, you must register an application and provide information about your business. Once you’re registered, you can access your Access Key and Secret Key. Copy the keys to a secure location and paste them in your code. You can make up to 50 API requests per hour, but you can request more if your app is a production app. Be sure to follow the API Guidelines to ensure you don’t infringe on anyone’s rights.

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